Bluesky, also known as Bluesky Social, is a decentralized microblogging social platform and a public benefit corporation based in the United States.
Last Update:
Platform Policies:
No policy prohibiting deadnaming or misgendering.
No indication of any plans to implement this.
No native form to display gender pronouns. Users can add pronouns to display names.
No indication of any plans to implement this.
Legal name is not required for signup.
Users can change their handle and display name at any time.
No personal demographic information collected.
Policies prohibiting promotion of hate based on gender identity. Transparency center reports on policy enforcement.
Community guidelines prohibit “Harassment or abuse directed at a specific person or group, including but not limited to, sexual harassment and gender identity-based harassment”
Users can choose to limit their feeds to the content they choose.
“Custom feeds is a feature on Bluesky that allows you to pick the algorithm that powers your social media experience. Imagine you want your timeline to only be posts from your mutuals, or only posts that have cat photos, or only posts related to sports — you can simply pick your feed of choice from an open marketplace.”
Users can opt into additional moderation features that allow individuals and communities to develop their own custom moderation systems.
“This hybrid approach is intended to provide a cohesive experience, where our in-house moderation works in conjunction with additional layers customized to each community. The Bluesky app, as an online space that we created and maintain, will always have the foundation of the moderation we provide. Independent moderation services will let you and community builders further customize your own spaces, and open APIs will let developers evolve and innovate on these systems.”
Contributor Notes:
“It’s easy to create a community that feels relatively safe. I spend most of my time there.”
– Anonymous Contributor
Platform Environment:
Some users feel safer engaging on a platform that has personalized moderation features.
Black Tech Twitter, trans users and more marginalized groups flock to Bluesky
‘It’s a Huge Relief’: Trans ‘Shitposters’ on Bluesky Feel Safer Away From Twitter