YouTube is an American online video sharing platform owned by Google.
Last Update:
Platform Policies:

No policy prohibiting targeted deadnaming or misgendering.
No indication of any plans to implement this.

Legal name is not required for signup.
We understand things like changing your name can be a challenging process for transgender, gender non-conforming, genderqueer and non-binary people. You can use your preferred name to update your information (example: your bio, personal account and payment info) and update your gender identity on Instagram. Please note that updating your name in some places on Instagram may require you to submit one or more documents with your preferred name.

Pronouns can be added and displayed on a youtube channel.
Users can choose to display publicly or only to subscribers

Users are not required to disclose their gender identity.
No gender disclosure during signup on Youtube. When a user signs up for a gmail account Google asks for a gender designation for personalization (optional). Youtube can use any demographic information disclosed through a google account. Your gender may be used for personalization across Google services, including how we refer to you.”

Youtube policy prohibits hate speech, harassment or bullying against someone’s gender identity or expression.
“We don’t allow content that targets someone with prolonged insults or slurs based on their physical traits or protected group status, like age, disability, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or race.”
“We don’t allow content that promotes violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on any of the following attributes, which indicate a protected group status under YouTube’s policy: Age, Caste, Disability, Ethnicity, Gender Identity and Expression, Nationality, Race, Immigration Status, Religion, Sex/Gender Sexual Orientation, Victims of a major violent event and their kin, Veteran Status.”
Contributor Notes:

“Youtube consistently fails in moderation against deadnaming and misgendering.”
– Anonymous Contributor